Friday, January 11, 2008

The Mountains of Good and Evil (Part 5)

The leader of the supernatural beings began unfolding his story through Mae de Vera, the Nginiig group’s psychic “communicator …

Eons ago, the group of supernatural entities made Mt. Cirstobal their home. The different kinds of otherworldly beings had been forced to co-exist in Cristobal’s lush forest cover since it was their only habitat. During the last twenty years, more and more humans had come trekking up the mountain. They brought destruction in their path. The spirits reacted by punishing mortals who violated the forest. Some were turned into trees and bushes, others into boulders and rocks, and many were transformed into wild animals. The “king” ended his story with a warning for the Nginiig” group to leave immediately never to return.

As the narrative progressed, Mae was becoming more and more agitated and she began shaking uncontrollably. At the last part, she became hysterical and had to be calmed down and comforted by the other psychics. John de los Santos, the group’s “locator” could by now see very, very fast moving entities, no more than four feet tall, flitting among the members of the group. They were so lightning fast that they reminded John of the Flash comic book character.

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